General Articles
Can't login to Backup Server! - SAFE Backup
If you try to login to the Backup Client and get this error message: Can’t connect to Backup Server! ( Connection timed out: connect) It my be a network issue client side (for example if they have changed their DNS) please ...
Troubleshooting VSS errors – SAFE Backup
Disclaimer: VSS is an OS component, the steps mentioned below should only be performed by your system admin and/or after consulting Microsoft. We cannot take responsibility for faults caused by following the below steps. VSS error codes and their ...
Basic Troubleshooting Guide for VSS – SAFE Backup
Disclaimer: VSS is an OS component, the steps mentioned below should only be performed by your system admin and/or after consulting Microsoft. We cannot take responsibility for faults caused by following the below steps. This article provides the ...
View the debug.log files – SAFE Backup
You will only really need to view this in the case of a missed backup, as this log will tell you when the next backup will run. To view the scheduler log, open file explorer and go to the C drive, open Users and select the user account that the ...
Stop a running backup – SAFE Backup
If a backup is running and you want to stop it, open system tray and you will see the SAFE Backup icon, it will be spinning if the backup is running. Right click on this and go to “Stop Running Backup” – you will then need to select the set name that ...
Restarting the backup service (missed backup) - SAFE Backup
If a backup has missed, but the machine is on for the schedule - and not going to sleep – the first step to take is check the backup service is running. Open services and navigate to SDSL Business Cloud Backup Services/SDSL Single User Client ...
Warning, backup source does not exist - SAFE Backup
You may get a warning on your report saying "backup source does not exist". This warning is showing you that a file or folder you have specifically selected has either been deleted, moved or renamed - and that these changes have not been updated in ...
How to End the bJW.exe Process - SAFE Backup
If a backup is stuck running, or even the backup client itself has crashed, you may need to end the executable that will be running in the background. This executable is called bJW.exe. By ending this, it will stop the back up/force the client ...
How to find Running/Stopped Files in the Event of a Crash - SAFE Backup
If the backup client freezes or crashes, and you are unable to close it, then you may need to delete the running/stopped files created by the backup. You will need to go to the user folder that the client was installed on, in this example I am using ...
Changing Server URL on Backup Client - SAFE Backup
Here is a guide if you ever need to change the server URL on the backup client. First go the Program folder of the software: Example of a location: C:\Program Files\SDSLBusinessCloudBackup Then open "custom.xml" with a text editor like Notepad and ...
How to remove a local destination - SAFE Backup
Login to the backup client and select “Backup Sets”. And select that backup set that has the local destination you wish to remove. Select “destination” on the left-hand side and you will be shown the available destinations on the right, double click ...
Error: failed to initialize RemoteBDB.Cloud - SAFE Backup
You may receive an error on your backup report for the following, or similar: Failed to initialize RemoteBDB.Cloud. Error=[BlockDBConfig.readConfig] unknown default path for creating new journal file config: 0 , caused by [RuntimeException] ...
How to find the version number of the Backup Client - SAFE Backup
To find the version number of the backup client you are using, login to the backup client and select the information icon on the top right. From here, it shows the version number you are currently running. In this example it is In Version 6, ...
Invalid volume, Shadow Copy creation is assumed - SAFE Backup
If you get this warning within your backup set: "Invalid volume G:\ (Shadow Copy creation is assumed)" (could be a different drive letter) please follow these steps to fix. First make sure you are on our most current client so post Go to ...
How to Locate your Log Files - SAFE Backup
For some errors we will request you send over the log files so we can get more of an idea of the cause, please send these as a zip file, if the zip file is still too large to send please call us and we look remotely. These can be found in the ...
How to create a Continuous Backup - SAFE Backup
This method allows for you to run regular snapshots that will check for any new or changed files to backup throughout the day, rather than at a specified backup schedule time. Login to the backup client, select "Backup Sets" and select the set in ...
How to Add/Edit your Backup Schedule - SAFE Backup
Login to the backup client and select "Backup Sets" and select the set in question. Select "Backup Schedule" down the left hand side. On the right you can either edit the current existing schedule by clicking on it, or "add" a new one. If you select ...
How to find your Encryption Key - SAFE Backup
PLEASE NOTE: without the correct encryption key, you will not be able to restore your backup. Usually, the encryption key is the same as the default user password initially used to create the backup set. This isn't always the case as there is the ...
How to Reset your Password - SAFE Backup
If you do not know what your current password is and wish to change it please contact us. We will set one for you and direct you to login and use the below guide to reset the password to something more secure. The login password is usually set the ...
How to Modify Existing Files / Folders in a Backup Set - SAFE Backup
As your data grows you may need to modify what files the are selected for the backup software. To do this login to your client and select "Backup Sets". Select the backup set you wish to modify and navigate to "source" down the left hand side. From ...
How to delete unwanted backed up files / folders - SAFE Backup
If you have backed up data that is no longer required, the first step is to deselect the data from the backup set. To modify a backup set, please refer to this document. Once the data has been removed from the backup source, you will need to delete ...
How to find your Client Version Number - SAFE Backup
To find the client software version number you are using, login to the client and select the Information icon on the top right. From here you will be shown a lot of information, but the version number is right along the top. You can see I am running ...
How to Restore to an Alternative Location - SAFE Backup
You can restore files to different locations than where they were backed up from. Login to the client and select "Restore". Select the backup set you wish to restore from. Then select the destination you would like to restore from. If you backup to ...
How to Restore to the Original Location - SAFE Backup
If you accidentally delete a file you can restore it back to the original location from in the backup client. Login and select "restore". Select the backup set you wish to restore from. Then select the destination you would like to restore from. If ...
How to Decrypt Local Backup Files - SAFE Backup
Any backups you have on a local drive can be decrypted via the backup client. Login to the client and select "Utilities" Select "Decrypt Backup Data" on the left and on the right hand side use the "browse" function to navigate to where the local ...
How to Free up Storage Space using the Backup Client - SAFE Backup
If the location of the backup is starting to run out of space, you can use the backup client to remove obsolete files. This will increase the space available and prevent any issues that may arise if the space were to become to low. Login to the ...
How to Restore Data from a Seed - SAFE Backup
If a full restore is required and your internet connection is too slow, we can arrange a seed restore where we send you a USB drive with your encrypted data. Once you receive the USB drive, plug it into your machine and login to the backup client, ...
How to Run a Data Integrity Check - SAFE Backup
We recommend that you complete this on a regular basis as part of your own maintenance routine or if the summary reports an issue with the index or quota. Login with user credentials and navigate to utilities, located bottom right. The first option ...
How to Seed your initial Backup - SAFE Backup
Seeding an initial backup can be very useful if you have a large amount of data to backup and or have a slow upload connection to the internet. To create a seed, plug in the Hard Drive you are wanting to backup the client to run the backup to - this ...
How to upgrade your Client to the latest Version - SAFE Backup
SAFE Backup To find your client version please use this guide here. PLEASE NOTE: You will need to close the client prior to upgrading, and ensure a backup is not running. To stop a running backup please use this guide. Software versions are regularly ...
How to View your Data Usage in the Client - SAFE Backup
Login to the backup client and select "Report". Select the subheading "Usage" on the left hand side. Then, you're able to select the backup location, set and the dates you would like to view the reports from. The graph below will display the amount ...
How to View your Reports in the Backup Client - SAFE Backup
Reports found in the client look different to the ones you are emailed. For a guide on how to read the summary in your emailed reports please go here. To open past reports login to the back up client and select "Report". If needed, you can filter the ...
How to Add a Proxy - SAFE Backup
You can add a Proxy server address, open up the backup client and select "Settings". From here you can select "Proxy" to the left, and toggle it "on" on the right hand side. You then need to add the correct information and "test" the connection. It ...
How to Run a Manual Backup - SAFE Backup
SAFE Backup After making changes to a document, or doing some troubleshooting on the Backup Client software you may want to run a manual backup. You can do this by logging into the backup client and selecting "Backup". You will then need to select ...
How to Delete a Backup Set - SAFE Backup
PLEASE NOTE: When you delete a backup set, you will delete all backed up data immediately from our cloud servers and replication servers. Once gone you will be unable to restore the data. Login to the backup client, select "Backup Sets" and open the ...
How to Change the Temp Location used for Backups - SAFE Backup
Sometimes you may need to change the temp location used for the backup, usually due to lack of space, or limitations of user rights. To change this please login to the backup client, select the backup set you wish to change this for. Select "Show ...
How to Change Bandwidth Control - SAFE Backup
You can limit the bandwidth the backup uses between certain times to minimise disruption. Login to the backup client and select "Backup Sets" and select the set in question. Select "Show advanced settings" then you will see an option for "Bandwidth ...
How to use the Command Line Tool - SAFE Backup
You may need to set a pre or post commands for the backup via the command line. Login to the backup client and select "Backup sets", then select the set in question. Press "Show advanced settings" and press "Command Line Tool". Then on the right you ...
How to change your Retention Period - SAFE Backup
The retention period dictates how long modified and deleted items are held in the system before they’re completely removed. They can be restored at any point during the retention period, but once reached the items cannot be recoverable. Login to the ...
How to Change In-File Delta Settings - SAFE Backup
In-File Delta performs block changes of files over 25MB, so rather than uploading the whole file it will only upload what has changed. By default In-FIle Delta does incrementals Monday to Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, differentials are run on the ...
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