Cloud Backup
Change a login password – Cloud Backup
NOTE: Changing the password will NOT change the encryption key. If you are resetting it to able login, it is advisable to unmask the encryption key and then reset the password in the client to match the key, if you have them the same normally. Login ...
Adding modules for Cloud Backup Accounts – Cloud Backup
From inside the portal you can add modules for your Cloud Backup accounts. Search for the account via the search function on the right, or go to “Customers” on the left and select “View Cloud Backup” customers. When on their account select the ...
Using the watchlist, Cloud Backup
The system will automatically add Cloud Backup sets to the watchlist in certain circumstances; new set or quota exceeded. This is a guide for how to view and manage these, and also how to add your own sets to keep an eye on. This icon is your ...
Creating a backup for a customer – Cloud Backup
Login to your backup portal ( - unless you have you own branding added) and go to “customers” on the left then “Add Customer”. You will then need to select the plan, for Cloud Backup PLUS please see this ...
Change retention policy for your customer – Cloud Backup
Login to your portal and search for the customer you want to change this for, either in “customers” top left, or the search function top right. Select “edit” on the set for the account (if you want to change this for all the sets you will have to do ...
Schedule changes for your UK Cloud Backup Accounts - Cloud Backup
If you ever need to add, change, or completely remove the schedule for a backup set. You can do this inside the Portal. Navigate to the account you wish to change this for and select the "Edit" cog for the set. Go to "Schedule" on the left, on the ...
Increasing quota for your UK Cloud Backup accounts - Cloud Backup, Resellers
From inside the Partner Portal you can increase the quotas for your accounts, in this example we are doing this for a UK Cloud Backup Client, when on their account select the “Manage Backup Account Settings” button to the right: You will then see the ...