Warning, backup source does not exist - SAFE Backup
You may get
a warning on your report saying "backup source does not exist".

warning is showing you that a file or folder you have specifically selected has
either been deleted, moved or renamed - and that these changes have not been
updated in the client.
If the
location has been deleted and it is not needed for backup anymore you will need
to update the client. Login and navigate to the relevant backup set. Select
"source" and go to "I would like to choose the files to
backup". From here open up the location, ensure you tick "show
files" so you can see the files it is trying to backup on the right. The
file that is missing will show in red as show

Untick the
file that is not needed and press "save".
If the file
name has been changed navigate to the location again in "source" and
"I would like to choose the files to backup" and select the new file
name on the left.
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