Searching, Restoring & Downloading Groups & Teams Backup Data - Safe C2C

Searching, Restoring & Downloading Groups & Teams Backup Data - Safe C2C

The Restore & Download option enables you to restore your backed-up data from Safe C2C’s servers. You can perform the following procedure to Restore & Download your Microsoft Groups and Teams:

  1. Click the Recovery element from the Navigation Panel.

    The Restore & Download page is displayed with all your active-backup account details.

  2. Click the Microsoft Groups & Teams backup task from which you wish to recover the data. 

    The Restore or download Microsoft Groups & Teams page is displayed.


    This page displays all groups and teams backed up by Safe C2C with the details such as Group/Team name, Type, First Backup date, Last Backup date, and available Actions. Your backed-up data is ready for download, from this page.

    You can filter the listed accounts using following options:

    • Enter a search phrase in the Search field and all the accounts matching the phrase are displayed.
    • Filter accounts by statuses such as AllActiveNot ActiveScheduledPausedBacked-up in another task, and In Progress, from the drop-down list.
  3. Click on the account which you want to restore and/or download.

    The Restore or download Microsoft Groups & Teams account: <account name> page is displayed.

  4. Select your preferred choice for restore by selecting the radio buttons adjacent to the required option. Available options are the following:

    • Via Snapshot
    • Via Item Search

Restore or Download Via Snapshot

  1. Click the text fields adjacent to Data changed from and To fields to select the From and To dates from the calendar if you have selected the Via Snapshot option.
  2. The list of backup snapshots for the selected account is displayed. Select the snapshot you want to be recovered.
  3. You can restore the entire snapshot by clicking the Restore or Download buttons in the bottom of the page.
  4. Alternatively, you can click the searchItem.png button to drill-down into the snapshot and view item level structure of the backup data. There you can select one or more items for recovery.
  5. Once you select a snapshot (if you wish to recover all the data in the backup), or an item/items (if you wish to recover only selected items), the buttons Restore and Download become available.
    • If you click the Restore button, the restore confirmation dialog window appears
    • If you click the Download button, the download confirmation dialog window appears

      Please proceed with the instructions found in the Confirm the Restore or Download section to complete the process.

Restore or Download Via Item Search

  1. Select the radio button adjacent to one of the following options:
    • Conversation
    • Site
    • Calendars

      Enter the specific terms that you want to search for in the Search for… field.

      Advanced search is available for calendars. For advanced search options click the arrowdown.png icon and provide the following details in the drop-down form:

      • Description: Enter a text that matches a part of the event description.
      • Owner: Enter a or e-mail address of the Calendar owner.
      • Date from: Enter the date from the initial backup, from which you want to download the data.
      • Date to: Enter a date until which the data need to be searched.
  2. Click the Continue

    The Restore or download <item type> from <account name> archive page is displayed. This page displays the search results with the details such as Title, Name, Folder, Author, Last Modified date, etc. The details columns are different for different types of restored items.

  3. Select the check-box adjacent to the required items to be restored or downloaded. When at least one item is selected the buttons Restore and Download become available.
    • If you click the Restore button, the restore confirmation dialog window appears
    • If you click the Download button, the download confirmation dialog window appears

      Please proceed with the instructions found in the Confirm the Restore or Download section to complete the process.

Confirm the Restore or Download

If you click the Restore button, the restore confirmation dialog window appears

  1. By default, the data will be restored to the original group/team, but you can select the account to which the data needs to be restored in the Restore to the drop-down menu. You can filter the list by typing the first few letters of the group/team name.

Note: You can restore the data to a different account.

  1. Select the checkbox adjacent to the restore method:
    • Non-destructive: Data will be restored to a sub-site.
    • In-Place: Restore will overwrite existing live data.
    • Bypass: Existing data will be bypassed and not restored.
    • Duplicate: Existing data will be duplicated.
  2. Click the OK The selected backup data will be restored to the specified account. When the recovery process is complete the results summary is sent to your email.

    If you click the Download button, the download confirmation dialog window appears:


  1. Click the drop-down list and select the storage. Available options are the following: For Download, to your Amazon S3, to your Azure Blob, to your, to your G Suite, to your Amazon S3 Compatible, to your GCP Storage. If you select options other than “for download”, you may be asked for additional credentials and/or access tokens for the selected storages.
  2. Click the OK The download instructions are sent to your registered email address. The download link is valid only for 72 hours.

Once the Restore/Download process has been initiated, you can view the current status in the Restore & Download Status section in the Restore & Download page with the details such as Type, Source, Date, Status, and Action.


In the Action column, you can click on the InfoIcon.png icon to view the details in a popup window. You can also click the backupCancel.png icon and click Yes in the Confirm Cancellation window to cancel the ongoing process.