Restore from the web – SAFE Backup PLUS
You can
restore files to your machine via the SAFE Backup PLUS web portal with the credentials for the
From here
select on “Restore”
You will be
asked which device and storage vault to restore from, if you have more than one
these will be shown in the drop down.

“Next” when ready.
Next you
need to select the item to restore, the default view will give you the latest
snapshot (you will have to expand the file tree out using the arrow buttons):
If you wish
to go back through snapshots select “Show All” on the top right:
You will
then see more options to restore from (you will have to expand the file tree
Select the
snapshot you want to use and press “Next”
You can
either restore “All items” or you can “Select items”

You can
either select the specific file/files:

Or select
specific files from the folder that will show to the right:
When you
have made you selection, press “Next”

From here
you can select how and where to restore. You have the following “Restore As”

To run a
restore you can leave it as “Files and Folders”.
We are
finding that restoring to the original location does not work at present. You
can restore to another folder on the C drive, or Windows Temp. Ensure “Restore
to original paths” is not selected. Select “Browse” and set your location.:

Note on
“Overwrite existing files” - If this
option is checked, any file that already exists will be silently overwritten
with the restored file. If this option is not checked, any file that already
exists will be silently skipped from the restore operation.
For this
example, as I am restoring three files I have just selected “Restore to
original paths”.
When done
press “Restore”.

You will
then go back to the home page, and see the following message bottom right:

You can
then view the Job history to see if the restore was successful.
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