How to find your Encryption Key

How to find your Encryption Key - SAFE Backup

PLEASE NOTE: without the correct encryption key, you will not be able to restore your backup. Usually, the encryption key is the same as the default user password initially used to create the backup set. This isn't always the case as there is the option to change the encryption key. This document will help you discover but only from the original machine where the backup set was first created.

If you've just installed the backup client on a new machine, it will ask you for the encryption key.  This document will not help you find that key.  You'll need to follow the steps below on the machine where the backup set was first created. If that machine no longer exists, then restoring your data will be almost impossible.

Login to the backup client and select "Backup Sets" and then select backup set in question - you will likely have the same encryption key for each backup set if when creating the set you selected to use the user password.

Select "show advance settings" on the left hand side, then select "others" from the options that get added.

From here, on the right hand side scroll to the very bottom where you will see a section for "Encryption". There is an option to "unmask encryption key", pressing this will change the dots after "encryption key" to display your key.

As you have not made any changes you can "cancel" out of this when you are ready.

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