How to End the bJW.exe Process - SAFE Backup

How to End the bJW.exe Process - SAFE Backup

If a backup is stuck running, or even the backup client itself has crashed, you may need to end the executable that will be running in the background. This executable is called bJW.exe. By ending this, it will stop the back up/force the client closed, which in turn will allow you to reopen the software and perform the original task. 

Here is how to perform this fix:

1. Either right-click the taskbar and press Task Manager, or press Ctrl+Alt+Del and open Task Manager from here.

2. Go to the "Details tab" and find the running bJW.exe process, highlight it, and press end task. Below is an idea of what it should look like.

Once ended you will be able to reopen the client and perform any tasks needed.

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