To create a backup set you need to login to the backup client, on the dashboard select the "Backup Sets" option.
If you have no backup sets you will see the below, press "Add new backup set".
If you do have a backup set already you can select "Add".
From here you can name your set and select the backup type you require, press "Next" in the bottom right to move on. PLEASE NOTE: some of these will have an additional charge, please call us if you would like to confirm. If the account is set to trial there will be no charge for the duration of this.
The next step is selecting the files for the backup. I would always recommend you use the "I would like to choose the files to backup" option and unselect the predefined locations the software gives you. A guide on using this advanced backup source option can be found here. Once sources are selected press "Next" on the bottom right of the window.
The next step is adding the schedule you would like the backup to run on, it gives you a default option which you can change by clicking on "Backup Schedule" or you can add another schedule by selecting "Add". You can remove the default schedule by selecting it, in the bottom left you will see "Delete this backup schedule".
The New Backup Schedule window will look like this, you can edit it as you see fit. Press "Ok" in the bottom right and then "Next" to progress.
The next page is for Destination, please leave as it is and press "Next"
Please also leave "OpenDirect" as "off" and press "Next".
The next page is for Encryption, this sets the encryption key you will need to use when restoring the data. You can set a different key via the "Custom" option but we recommend using the "user password" option so the encryption key is the same as the login password. Whatever you set please keep a record of it as we cannot see encryption keys. Once decided please press "Next". You will then be given the chance to view the encryption key, you can "unmask" it if you wanted to confirm. Press "confirm" to continue.
You will then be prompted to add the Windows User Authentication password for the machine it runs from, the software will advise if the credentials are incorrect. Once added please press "Next".
Congratulations, your set has now been created! You can either "Backup now" or wait for the schedule you set.
Please feel free to contact us if you experience any issues.