Login to https://sbp1.safedatastorage.co.uk/ with your account credentials. Select “Protected Items” from the right.
From here
you will see the protected items on your account, select the one you wish to edit,
the item name is a hyperlink.
Select “Retention” on the left, then the vault for the item and press the pen button to edit.
Select “Only
Keep” and press the green “+”.
And select
what you need from the drop down.
From here
you can edit what you need to as it corresponds to the “type” selected.
Press Save
when you are done, you will then see it listed in your Retention Policy page,
press save again on here.
If you want
to edit one you have already set, again select the vault it corresponds to and
press the pen button. Select the retention rage and press the pen button to
This will
give you the same options as before. Press “Save” on all pages when done.
You can turn back on “Keep all backups forever” by following the same steps and selecting this again on the buttons. Press save on all windows when you are done.